Last-Minute Savings Strategies for Pre-retirees

Christian Binger |


With the tax filing deadline for 2023 just around the corner, it’s prime time for pre-retirees to explore avenues that not only pave the way for a financially secure retirement but also offer significant savings on taxes. Here’s a friendly guide to three tax-saving strategies that could make a substantial difference in your financial planning efforts.

Boost Your Retirement Account Contributions

Maxing out your contributions to retirement accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s isn’t just about building your nest egg—it’s also a smart move for saving on taxes today. For those over 50, the IRS allows extra catch-up contributions, making this a golden opportunity to lower your taxable income. Whether it’s a traditional account offering tax deductions now or a Roth account promising tax-free growth for later, contributing more can lead to immediate tax benefits while securing your future. Remember, adjusting your contributions for the next year early on can keep your tax savings and retirement goals on track. It’s a proactive step towards ensuring a smoother financial journey to retirement.

Capitalize on HSA Contributions

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are a triple-threat when it comes to tax savings, offering deductions on contributions, tax-free growth, and tax-free withdrawals for medical expenses. If you have a high-deductible health plan, maxing out your HSA not only provides a tax break but also prepares you for future healthcare costs—a win-win for savvy pre-retirees. What’s more, HSAs come with no required minimum distributions, allowing your savings to grow tax-free for as long as you like. This makes them an invaluable tool for both healthcare planning and tax-efficient saving.

Make the Most of Your Tax Credits

Tax credits can be a game-changer in reducing your overall tax bill, offering a dollar-for-dollar reduction that’s more impactful than deductions. From education expenses to energy-efficient home upgrades, understanding which tax credits you’re eligible for can lead to significant savings. Particularly for pre-retirees, credits like the Child and Dependent Care Credit or the Lifetime Learning Credit can provide considerable benefits. It’s essential to know the difference between refundable and nonrefundable credits, as this can affect the final amount you save. Taking advantage of these credits requires a bit of research but is well worth the effort.



Embarking on the journey to retirement with a solid financial plan is crucial. By focusing on maximizing your retirement account contributions, taking full advantage of HSAs, and utilizing available tax credits, you can ensure a more comfortable and financially secure retirement.


For more insights and strategies on saving on taxes and financial planning for retirement, download our free retirement guide today. This resource is packed with valuable information and tips to help you navigate the complexities of retirement planning, allowing you to approach retirement with confidence and peace of mind. Download now and start your journey to a more secure financial future.